How to Reduce Your Risks of Colon Cancer

How to Reduce Your Risks of Colon Cancer

Taking her blind-folded at a beautifully lighted up and decorated beach deck – He is about to ask her that magical question. Yes, we all like these kinds of surprises but some surprises are shocking. Something as serious as colon cancer must not come as a surprise to...
Prevention of Breast Cancer

Prevention of Breast Cancer

When there are mutations in the genes that regulate cell growth, cancer develops. As a result of such mutations, the cells begin to divide and multiply uncontrollably. When this happens in the cells of the breast, it is known as breast cancer. There are different...
Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer

Cancer developing in the cells of the breast is breast cancer. In either the lobules or the ducts of the breast, cancer originates. The lobules are the glands producing milk and the pathways through which the milk travels from the glands to the nipple are the ducts....