Prevention of Breast Cancer

Prevention of Breast Cancer

When there are mutations in the genes that regulate cell growth, cancer develops. As a result of such mutations, the cells begin to divide and multiply uncontrollably. When this happens in the cells of the breast, it is known as breast cancer. There are different...
Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer

Cancer developing in the cells of the breast is breast cancer. In either the lobules or the ducts of the breast, cancer originates. The lobules are the glands producing milk and the pathways through which the milk travels from the glands to the nipple are the ducts....
Laryngeal Cancer

Laryngeal Cancer

When malignant or cancerous cells develop in the larynx, it is laryngeal cancer, a type of throat cancer. Now let’s explain here what the larynx is. It is the voice box and the location of it is in our throat. We can breathe, speak and swallow with the help of this...
Peritoneal Cancer

Peritoneal Cancer

A type of rare cancer that develops in the thin layer of epidermal cells lining the inside wall of the abdomen is peritoneal cancer. The name of the lining is the peritoneum. It protects and covers the organs present in the abdomen, which includes intestines, bladder,...