Cancer doctor in Kolkata estimates that a large percentage of cancer patients treated with chemotherapy experience chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV). Certain other stimulants, such as anxiety, pain, smells, taste, sights, motion, may also cause nausea and/or vomiting.
Not all patients undergoing chemotherapy experience nausea and/or vomiting. In fact, even two patients receiving the same chemotherapy treatment, may experience different feelings of nausea. Your cancer doctor may advise a combination of medicines for controling nausea and stopping vomiting before or after chemotherapy. There are other methods, such as distraction, relaxation, guided imagery and acupuncture, may help control CINV.
Top 10 Oncologists in Kolkata suggest you some remedial measures which might give you some relief from nausea and vomiting during or after chemotherapy.
- Keep track of when nausea or vomiting occurs during treatment—and the severity—and share this information with your doctor.
- Drink plenty of fluids, including water. However, make sure not to drink a lot of liquids during mealtime, as it can make you feel bloated.
- Establish a discipline of eating snacks and meals at the same time every day. Ask a doctor about taking a medicine for nausea before meals.
- Instead of having large meals, try taking several small meals throughout the day. Chew your foods slowly and thoroughly.
- Eat foods, which are either not too hot or kept at room temperature.
- Keep away from foods that have a strong smell, such as onions, garlic while they are cooked. Do not take foods that are greasy, fried, spicy, or high in sugar. Avoid alcohol and tobacco.
- Eat soft, bland, easy-to-digest foods (e.g., toast, dry cereals, plain yogurt, chicken noodle soup, pudding). Choose nutritious, high-protein snacks.
- If you can’t eat solid foods, try a shake or go for liquid or powdered alternatives.
- Rinse your mouth frequently to keep it clean and to remove bad tastes or odors. Eat in an upright position. Don’t lie down immediately after having your meal.
- Eat in a relaxed setting and wear loosely-fitted clothes. Make sure to eat in an airy room that is well-ventilated.
- Do not eat forcefully. Eat what appeals to you and whenever you are hungry.
- When nausea hits, breathe slowly and deeply, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth.
- During chemotherapy, use simple distractions, such as listening to a relaxation tape or soft music, drawing, knitting, reading, or doing crossword puzzles.
Best Surgical Oncologist in Kolkata assures you that this is just a passing phase.